The following are print resources from the reference collection of Watson Library. These items are for use in the reference area only..
Encyclopedia of Art is a comprehensive encyclopedia of detailed overviews of topics within art, including artists, periods, styles, etc. Find it in the Watson reference stacks at N31 D5 1998 REF (34 vols.)
Journal databases are accessible through the database directories on the library's main webpage. Open the "Art, Music, and Humanities" list, and click one to use it. Electronic books are available in the EBSCO Academic eBook Collection database, listed in the "Databases by Title" directory..
--Academic Search Complete--multidisciplinary database for all subjects including arts. To limit your search to academic journals, select "Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals."
--Ambrose Digital Video--Videos of various topics including lectures and museum tours.
--Art Full Text-- full-text articles from 300 art journals from 1995* to the current. Indexing of over 600 periodicals back to 1984.
--Art Index Retrospective covers 1929-1984. Current titles* are covered in Art Full-Text.
--Biography in Context includes short biographies and related journal articles. Biographies are searchable by name, occupation, nationality, or Birth/Death place.
--JStor--a multidisciplinary database of articles and scholarly books.
--Project Muse To limit search results to those available in the database, click the box for "Only content I have full access to." Unclick that box to browse bibliographic records for items which may be requested through InterLibraryLloan.
The New York Times' Defining Art Moments in 2020
Writer Teju Cole looks at Caravaggio's paintings in this dark time.
An interactive art-historical study of Hokusai and his influences.
Contemporary artist Toyin Ojih Odutola and cultural influence.