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Learning the Library: A Page for Instructors

Information Literacy and Library Instruction

Orientation for Faculty

Library Resources against Plagiarism

Student Attitudes Toward Research

A new explanation for why students and others are superficial researchers: Head, Alison J. and John Wihbey. "The Importance of Truth Workers in an Era of Factual Recession." Medium. April 8, 2017.

student attitudes toward research

So take them to the library!

Course-Related Instruction

Librarians can teach students to become better researchers!

Do your students want to use Google for research assignments instead of scholarly sources? Do they copy and paste from webpages without citing their sources? Do you spend a lot of time one on one, teaching students how to do information research, how to think critically about information sources, and how to use information effectively and ethically?

We can work with you to enhance your syllabus by creating or adapting IL assignments and exercises to support your course goals and curriculum, or develop an information resource web page for your class.

Librarians can teach a class session in the library or as a guest speaker.

You might also register a librarian in your Moodle shell to help with the research and bibliography issues and to answer information research questions on discussion boards or chat.

We already offer individual research consultations with your students (and with you, if you're stuck on a project). Look on the "Research Appointments" tab.

Instruction connected with specific courses or assignments seems to be more effective in teaching students to use the library. Use the Instruction Request form above to specify what you want your students to learn.

Information Literacy and Employment

student research skills need improvement