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Information Literacy: Books, Articles, and Definitions


Information literacy is a growing field which studies how information is created, communicated, and understood. News literacy and media literacy are related subjects. In this context, "literacy" signifies the understanding or comprehension of the form as well as the content of the information message.

What's the difference between data, information, and knowledge? The DIKW relationship, though somewhat debatable, is one explanation. An article explaining how Wikipedia illustrates it is here.

"Academic information literacy is the ability to read, interpret, and produce information valued in academia—a skill that must be developed by all students during their college education." James Elmborg, "Critical Information Literacy: Implications for Instructional Practice." JAL 32.2 (2006): 192-99.

Science and the mass media: Thomas Frank on how the novel coronavirus appeared in the popular press.

"Trustworthiness doesn’t just come from being right, but from communicating the limits of the evidence, and regularly updating one’s view in light of new data and analysis."  Michael Story and Stuart Ritchie, "How the Experts Messed Up on COVID-19." (Hint: by claiming more certainty than the evidence allowed.)

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