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English and Cultural Studies: Using Literary Databases

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Artemis Literary Sources (now called "Gale Literature" on its homepage)

Artemis can be found on the library’s website under Literature on the Database Directory.


· Author databases such as Contemporary Authors (130,000 writers), Contemporary Literary Criticism Select, Dictionary of Literary Biography Online.

· Critical work databases such as Drama Criticism, Literature from 1400-1800, Nineteenth Century Literary Criticism, Novels for Students, Shakespeare for Students, Shakespeare Criticism, Short Story Criticism, and Twentieth Century Literary Criticism.

· Access to full-text and abstracts from over 260 prominent literary journals.

 The bottom of the main page has a link to Gale's Literary Index for searching Gale sources by author or title.

To search,

1) Click on “Advanced”.

2) Type in author’s name in one of the boxes.

3) Type in title of work in another box (make sure to change dropdown menu to “title-all words”)

4) Hit “search”.

 Displayed you will find several tabs: if the tab is grayed out, you cannot get to it.  “Biographies” comes up first and displays information about the author.  Click on the “Literary Criticism” and  “Articles and Work Overviews” for information about the work.


 Click on the individual criticisms, articles or work overviews.


MLA International Bibliography--the standard index/database for languages and literature after the ancient period

 MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association)

Advantages of MLA:

· Uses an EBSCOhost interface

· Lists books, book collections, and dissertation abstracts.

 Searching MLAIB:

To search MLAIB,

1) Type in your author (first box) then your title (second box).  Leave fields on “Select a field”.

2) Hit “Search”.

 Sort your results through the choices in the box on the left side of the results box.


Literary Reference Center Plus

 Advantages of LRC+:

· Has a tutorial.

· Articles on authors and works offer links to related topics.

· Uses an EBSCOhost interface.


To search LRC+,

1) Click on “Advanced Search” at the top.

2) Type in your author (first box) then your title (second box).  Leave fields on “Select a field”.

3) Hit “Search”.

 Several tabs will be displayed. Click on the tab you want information from and click the article you want to read.