This box contains help for finding a statistical article in psychology as well as using APA style to document it.
FINDING AN ARTICLE: Use the PsycInfo database from the library's main page.
--Type in a search term and get the result list. Then look at the limiters on the left side of the page. If "methodology" is listed, drop its menu and select "quantitative study." Then run the search again.
--OR type in a search term in the first search box and the term "statistical analysis" in the second search box.
--Look at the result list to choose a usable article. The abstract may explain which statistics were used; if not, scan the article to find them.
USE APA STYLE Write the citation before you begin working on the article. Three options:
--Look at the Citation Guide's APA page for some information.
--Most databases have a citation generator. At NSU, it's the "Cite" function on the right side of the detailed record page. Some word-processing programs also have citation generators. In any case, double-check the citation for accuracy and correct format.
--Use the APA Manual to create a citation.
FINALLY!: Read the article carefully to answer the questions in the assignment.the assignment's wording may differ from the article; read carefully. Ask your professor if you want help.